Thursday, August 6, 2009

Taking Technology to Governance-Countries like India really need it.

Just recently, I was reading this report that posits that between 1980 and 2006, the productivity of American Businesses went up substantially, owing to the deployment of technology.

Now, it is undeniable, that technology has been the singular transformational force apart from globalization that has made the world we live in, so dynamic.

No wonder that after the enterprise sector, the consumers have cosied up to technology.

All this while, aware citizens would always question, why technology could not be applied with as much gusto to the government sector.

As Eric Schmidt said at this year's Aspen Ideas Festival, that he sees no reason why all the government meetings can not be posted online, with all the names of the participants, key ideas discussed and conclusions reached.

Everybody agrees that it will foster much needed transparency and accountability at a cost that is nominal.

What surprises me is that again the developing countries, (especially democracies like India) have lost the initiative to developed ones like the UK and the US.

Nevertheless, pls have a look that Tim O Reilly made at the same venue-they are calling it Gov 2.0...

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