Monday, August 10, 2009

Obama and the Race Question- Beyond rhetoric.

First let me confess unabashedly, that I am no Obamaphile and I am not at all moonstruck with Obama and his so called "celebrated by liberal media eloquence".

I supported McCain through out this campaign and I still believe that McCain might not be as silver tongued as the erstwhile senator from Illinois but he is a guy with a far greater depth of character.

Now, this is not to say that Obama's character is under a lens. Just that Obama is defined more by his vaulting ambition and elocution (you can read that as circumlocution!) than his character...

But Obama constantly reminds me that he is the kind of politician you can not ignore.

He comes across as intelligent, at times effusive but never seeming to lack a sense of purpose.

I have watched his numerous interview and seen him giving those speeches to throngs of supporters- and trust you me, it is very difficult to catch this guy off guard..

But I have always felt, that Obama diligently cultivates a kind of public persona that has often hidden Obama the person.

I am sure, Obama the person will have the same neurotic streak, same vulnerabilities and same insecurities that every human has.

And that is why out of all the speeches that Barrack has delivered, I really like the ones where he has spoken from the heart....(by the way modern historians will tell you that he is already the president who will go down in history as "the teleprompter president"!)

And one of these speeches he delivered at Philadelphia on March 18, last year.

Now, is that relevant now?

I think yes.

Race relations in US have the same complexity to them as Hindu Muslim relations in the sub continent.

And I have really loved the way Obama and his political advisers took these complexities head on and rather than carping about ushered in a whole new paradigm of political thinking.

They branded it as "post racial politics".

I guess, for a world that has gone younger over the last few decades but at the same time is grappling with never before seen problems like global warming, poverty and healthcare, looking towards the future and endeavoring to craft it is a better option than fretting over the past.

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