Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stripped of all Matter, Forces and Fields-Would Space and Time exist?

I guess, Einestein had a lovely title for imaginative thinking- he called it "thought experiments".

I too, occasionally indulge in these experiments.

And a thought that has come to occupy my mind off lately is the nature of matter, force and quantum fields.

I often wonder what is vacuum? Is it the presence of nothing? Or is it something from which everything has been removed? What remains when everything is removed? Is nothing really nothing or there are further smaller particles there in?

What is Space? Is it nothingness? Or is it an interaction between matter, (doesnt matter if it is white matter or dark matter) and some hidden forces?!

If there is no matter how would a force filed pan itself out? Conversely can space exist without force fields?

Are quantum phenomenon only possible at sub atomic levels? How do they then magnify to macro levels?

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