Monday, August 10, 2009

Great Idea- Open source code but with whom lies the authorship?

I have been constantly told a lot about the might of the media purveyors (both media content creators and media inventory buyers)and how this might is growing...

One of the oft discussed themes at most of the advertising and marketing seminars these days is how media guys are getting more creative, how they are literally encroaching on the turf of "the creative idea" and how the creative use of media is as big, if not bigger, as the Big Idea itself..

Some debates have a tendency to masquerade differently in different ages.

And I reckon this question too is not new. To me the Creative Idea is the central strategic principle that goes ahead and engages with the consumer.

The media environment within which this idea plays itself out is an executional element, albeit an important one.

No matter how brilliantly one crafts that executional element, it will continue to remain an amplifier, and never become the core principle.

And all this debate is akin to the old debate of what is important, the strategic idea of the execution of it.

I guess, that despite all the pushes of the panic button the creative agencies will continue to own the connection with the consumer, because they will continue to create the central engaging principle- The Big Creative Idea.

But, yes they would need to acquire a deeper understanding of how consumer process media content and information.

I envisage Channel Planning coming back in a big way in the communication agency culture.

To me this debate is reconciled by one agency called Crispin, Porter and Bogusky.

They have one great idea and they really merge it seamlessly well with their media understanding, especially new media understanding.

Some of the other most loved campaigns of recent times Dove, Axe and works by Fallon especially for Cadbury's and Sony also have the same lineage.

Just have a look at their work with Burger King, BMW Mini and Dominoes.

Here is something that they released last year and the work got recognized and awarded.

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