Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thoughts on Social Enterprise sector

Working in Business –to – Consumer areas, I have often thought that the only difference I make at the end of the day is to myself.

The mechanism is unchanged in so many years of working – Sell more products for my clients , and it will result in more fee / remuneration for myself.

To quote Benjamin Disraeli, I am not using my “Moral Steam” to create lasting, enduring & meaningful value to the society.

What can be a man’s memo to himself ?

Probably it could be, that I want to leave this world a better place than what I found it as, when I was born.

How do I stand & reflect on that appraisal ? Not very tall!

Therefore, in the last four days, I had been reading about the Social Enterprise sector.

Why are they not as able as B2C players in Capital acquisition, resource management and asset creation?

What Financial engineering can be done to “understand & account” better their results, contribution and capital expenses?

Why Social Enterprise is always looked at from the filter of charity and why they can’t tap into the deep pools of capital from the stock markets?

Microfinance for instance is a 65 billion USD industry. It is innovating a lot in these directions. What can other social enterprise spaces learn from that?

I came across these two articles.

One by Antony Bugg-Levine,Bruce Kogut and Nalin Kulatilaka in Jan - Feb 2012 and the other by Robert Kaplan and Allen Grossman in November 2010, issues of HBR.

Do read them and they shall inspire fresh insights.

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