Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Because Human Intelligence is much more than what can be measured by so - called "IQ"...

Ralph Gerard, the neuroscientist, was reminded of a story. A stranger is at a party of people who know one another well.

One says, “72,” and everyone laughs. Another says, “29,” and the party roars. The stranger asks what is going on ?

His neighbor said, “We have many jokes and we have told them so often that now we just use a number.”

The guest thought he’d try it, and after a few words said, “63.” The response was feeble. “What’s the matter, isn’t this a joke?”

“Oh, yes, that is one of our very best jokes, but you did not tell it well.”

My point is - there can be “individual contexts” and “shared contexts” with whole societies participating in.

A lot of people have told me, as to how they define “Intelligence” in their respective field-of-work and as a matter of their umwelt.

Sitting as I do, at the intersection of changing cultures and markets – it astounds me how societies & disciplines re -model themselves, by changing “contexts”.

If your realize “context” is a powerful driver of attitudinal / behavioural change in humans / societies.

Technology changes “the context” of how we live our lives. Great Art (& Music etc.) changes “the context” of how we view life. And Marketing changes “the context” of what people think they need / desire.

On that note, I am attaching a book that you can download - http://wtrns.fr/7cg17Mfs6IDPz0

It goes on to expound in what ways “the context” of how human understanding of “Intelligence” is changing.

This is a provocative read, especially for all those Nerds who believe that IQ is the be all and end all of all intelligence measurements.

For those of my friends in India – this writer is presently in New Delhi.

As always, would welcome your comments.

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